Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The wars of Toon Town

The seven drops in Toon Town are:

the first one is flower pot
second one is garbage bag
third is an anvil
forth is the weight
five is kinda like a refrigerator thing, it's like a giant refrigerator.
six and seven are pianos

The seven tune ups are:

the first tune up is a feather I think
I'm not sure what the second one is, but I think it's lipstick
I'm not sure what the rest of them are, but the seventh one is a ladder, and then they drop water and it heals up the toons

The seven throws are:

first is a pie, a whole pie
second is a slice of fruit pie
third is a slice of cream pie
forth is a whole fruit pie
fifth is a whole slice cream pie
sixth is a birthday cake
seventh is a snow cone, I'm not sure if it's a snow cone but it's something

The seven traps are:

first is a banana peel
second is a rake
third are marbles
forth is, I don't remember what the forth is
my favorite is the dynamite, that's the sixth one
I don't remember what the fifth one is
but I do know that one of them is train tracks so when a toon uses learn a train will go across the track he'll get run over

The seven Lures are:

First is a dollar bill on a fishing rod
second is a magnate
third is a bigger dollar bill on a fishing rod
fourth is a bigger magnate
I don't know what the fifth is, but I do know that one is sunglasses
I think the sunglasses are the sixth
the seventh is like a musical note thing on a music stand

The seven Squirts are:

the first squirt is the squirting flower
second is a glass of water
third is a squirt gun
fourth is a bottle of water
fifth is a water hose attached to a hydrant
sixth is a storm with rain and lightning
seventh is a splash up

The seven Sounds are:

First is a honking horn
second is a whistle
third is a trombone
I do not know what the fourth one is but I think it's a trumpet
I do not know what the fifth one is but I know that one of them is a microphone with a Viking opera singer
I do not know what the sixth one is or the seventh

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When I was playing World Of Warcraft the day before yesterday, I made a character and called him Frostdude. Yesterday I played him and I got him to level 6, 'cause the day before yesterday he was level 4. I made Frostdude because I wanted to make a "money" character. Frostdude is a Rouge. I'm going to train him for mining, cloth making, and First Aid. Right now I have him in the newbie area.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When I saw the bad guy, that was like Stitches, I ran out of the dead scar. The big bad guy then passed through the dead scar. I had seen him before when I was playing Zintherin. He (the bad guy) wanders around where there are some Night Elves.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yesterday I played Kaiownin. When Kaiownin reached the dead scar he went through it. He traveled far enough that he found 17 and 18 level bad guys. Kaiownin also found a bad guy that was like stitches. It had three arms, one arm was near his head and the other two arms were normal.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


So as not to be out done by Katie, here is Eddie's blog...