Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Pretend Toon Town

the seven throws are
first is a pumpkin pie
second is a pie
third is a wedding cake
fourth is a cup cake
fifth is a slice of pumpkin pie
sixth is a slice of pie
seventh is a birthday cake

the seven squirts are
first is a container of water
second is a squirting flower
third is a storm
fourth is a splash up
fifth is a cannon full of water
sixth is a squirt gun
seventh is a bucket full of water

the seven sounds are
first is a alarm
second is a trumpet
third is a whistle
fourth is a microphone
fifth is a mobile
sixth is a drum
seventh is a horn

the seven drops are
first is a anvil
second is a boulder
third is a piano
fourth is a giant ice cube
fifth is a flower pot that has a flower in it
sixth is a garbage bag full of trash
seventh is a brick